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Creative Essays/Fiction

This body of work represents my former adorations, my present interests, and my future ambitions. I come here to be moved and to learn, both by the human condition and universal truths (and fallacies). The more I uncover, the more I find hidden. I seek and I seek yet to pass on the search.

a boiling pot of potatoes.jpg


This story was orignally called "The Potato Story". I fell in love with the sound of low boiling potatoes and this came to me. A simple meal to reveal a simple truth.


Some days start off badly and end up worse. Balance some unbalanced in-laws, a precocious child, and a wish-washy wife. Something's got to give.  

a cup of coffee on a table with spilt milk next to it .jpg
black and white photo of a cicada.jpg


How to end up in the Desert with no A/C, a computer, and the cacophony of insects guiding your life. Paul Auster helps show the way, but maybe not. 


I work as I parse through problems. I move my body and heave with strength and determination. I just hope all that labor can help me work through past transgressions and future motivations.

a plowed field in the sunset.jpg
Disco ball.jpg


An examination and comparison of photography and karaoke. It's a beautiful universe of flashing lights and catchy beats. Come along for the ride. 


My dog's dying and I'm driving through, arguably, the largest organism on the planet: an enormous copse of aspen trees in central Utah.

a cops of aspen trees.jpg
Those eyes.jpg


I recently became a father and I didn't know how low I'd feel before I fell in love with my son. I'm still thankful for his reselience.


A cult? A commune? A revolutionary architectural proposal? I spent a night there and learned the secrets of the universe that never will be.

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